Welcome to the From Us Resources! Whether you're new to group gifting or looking for expert tips to make your next event board and gift even more special, we've got you covered. Explore our collection of guides, tools, and articles designed to make organizing a group event board and gift easier than ever.
Learn how to set up a group gift using our platform in just a few simple steps.
Discover tips for seamlessly managing contributions and setting clear expectations with your group.
This guide covers everything from how much to contribute to thanking participants.
Keep track of who has contributed and how much
Send timely reminders to participants with our customizable email andmessage templates.
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Browse through our carefully selected gift ideas to inspire your group.
A guide to deciding whether to go with a personalized gift or a versatile gift card.
Think beyond traditional gifts with experiences like [weekend getaways and dining vouchers] that your recipient will never forget.
Here are a few reasons why coming together as a class to give one special gift can be more meaningful for both the teacher and the students.
Unlock the Best Features for Group Gifts and Messages
Standard plan perfect for teams.